Before you start, you will need...
- Confirmation that your client is happy for employees to see the Social Wall on the platform
- Confirmation of what recognition moments the client is happy to display on the Social Wall (eCards / Instant Awards / Nominations)
- If your client uses segmentation on their platform, make sure they are aware that the Social Wall cannot be segmented
- Please note: you will need to create an eCard programme at all times in order for the Wall to work. If your client is not planning to use eCards, you can work around this by configuring eCards for them in Reward Manager without adding any eCard categories (so no references to eCards are visible on the website)
- Confirmation of whether your client would like comments and reactions enabled on the Social Wall
- Confirmation of which filters (if any) the client wants to use to refine content on the Social Wall
- Any employee data fields they want to use as filters (aside from employee names) must be set up as Registration Questions or Enterprise Fields on the client's program
- If they are not supplying data for any of their desired filters through their membership uploads, please advise them to add the relevant columns to their eligibility file before completing the implementation
Please note: Reward Gateway users will not be able to see the Social Wall programs when logging in to client sites through their own Reward Manager accounts. This is due to constraints with the technology used to build the Wall. Please always log in through an eligible user's Reward Manager profile (or with username and password through the front end, if you are an eligible user on a demo site).
Step 1: Enabling the Social Wall
Before employees can begin using the Social Wall, you will need to add it to the client's program through Reward Manager. Watch the video below and read on to see how you can do it.
- Select Smart Products > Smart Dashboard from the left hand side menu in Reward Manager
- Look up your client's program in the search bar
- Look for the Social Recognition product in the Add SmartHub® products section on the right hand side of the page. Clicking on it will immediately move it to the Products Added section
Step 2: Configure the options for the Social Wall
The first time you add Social Recognition to a program, its configuration option will look as in the screenshot below.
Depending on your client's needs, you will be able to change the settings for:
- If turned ON, employees will be able to start the eCard sending journey from the Social Wall. They will also have the option to "Send & Share" eCards so that they are displayed on the Wall
- If turned OFF, there will be no "Send eCard" button on the Social Wall, and the option to "Send & Share" eCards will not be available to senders.
Instant Awards
- If turned ON, pot owners will be able to start the Instant Award sending journey from the Social Wall. They will also have the option to "Send & Share" Instant Awards so that they are displayed on the Wall
- If turned OFF, there will be no "Send award" button on the Social Wall, and the option to "Send & Share" Instant Awards will not be available to senders.
- In both cases, award winners who are notified via email will receive an alert with a call to action button to claim their award on the site (i.e. no award code)
- Read the R&R System Emails List article to see the email templates for Instant Awards
- If turned ON, nominators will have the option to "Send & Share" their nominations (the nominator name, nominee name, artwork and Award Reason content will appear on the Wall, once they are approved and the relevant awards have been sent)
- If turned ON, award winners who are notified via email will receive an alert with a call to action button to claim their award on the site (i.e. no award code)
- If turned OFF, the option to "Send & Share" approved nominations will not be available to nominators, and the award winner notification email will always include a code for the employee to enter on the site in order to claim their award
- Read the R&R System Emails List article to see the email templates for Nominations
- If turned ON, all employees will be able to add reactions to any of the recognition moments shared on the Wall
- If turned OFF, reactions will not be available on any of the recognition moments shared on the Wall
- If turned ON, all employees will be able to comment on any of the recognition moments shared on the Wall
- If turned OFF, comments will not be available on any of the recognition moments shared on the Wall
Send Privately
- If turned ON, senders will be able to choose between "Send & Share" (i.e. eCard / Instant Award / approved nomination posted to the Wall) and "Send Privately (i.e. eCard / Instant Award / approved nomination only forwarded to the recipient) when they send recognition
- If turned OFF, senders will only see the "Send & Share" button and all eCards / Instant Awards / approved nominations will always be posted to the Wall
- This will apply to all recognition programs on the client's platform. We do not offer the option of only turning off Send Privately for specific programs.
Finally, click the Quick Configure link (bottom of the screenshot) to make changes to the Social Wall's name, filters, and visibility of the Birthday tile. Step 3 below explains these.
Step 3: Quick Configure options
The Quick Configure link will give you the ability to make changes to:
Social Wall name (Social Recognition Wall is the default name; the client can request a custom one)
Visibility of the Birthday tile on the Social Wall
- The Birthday tile is turned ON by default. Turn it OFF if the client doesn't want it to be visible
- Disabling the Birthday tile on the Wall will not affect the client's SmartHub homepage (i.e. if they have added the Birthday tile to the homepage, it will remain visible)
Company email digest preferences
- A company email digest allows clients to automatically subscribe all registered users to a weekly digest of recognition posts, prompting them to log in and engage with the content on the Wall.
- The company email digest can be set up to cover one of two filters:
- All public recognition sent within the organization
- Their chosen Company Filter, as long as they have set one up (see below for more details)
- The weekly email digest is sent out on Sundays, at 9am in each recipient's timezone
- The weekly email digest displays up to 20 recognition posts from the selected filter, chosen randomly
- If no recognition has been sent or received within a certain filter throughout the week, users will not receive an email for that specific week
- See the list of R&R System Emails for an example screenshot of the weekly email digest
Wall filters
- Filters are turned OFF by default. This means no filters at all appear on the Wall (i.e. employees can't filter by employee name or employee group)
- Once they are turned ON, you can add any custom data fields the client is supplying through their eligibility file (e.g. Department, Business Unit, Location, etc.), so they can be used to refine the content on the Wall
- Data fields must be set up in List format or as Enterprise fields in order to be available as Wall filters
- Once the first custom filter is added, the option to filter the Wall by employee name will appear as well
- The client can choose to set one of their custom filters as a Company Filter, to show employees the most relevant content every time they log in
- A Company Filter dictates the default view of the Wall for employees logging in. For example, if Department is chosen as a Company Filter, employees visiting the Wall will see it filtered by their own department by default.
- Only one Company Filter can be set up on a program at any given time
- If no Company Filter is set up, employees' default view of the Wall will be all recognition sent across the whole business
Please note: Company Filters and the company email digest option are only available to clients in the beta testing group for the new Wall design and enhanced filters (described below). Contact the R&R team if you would like one of your clients to be an early user.
How do Wall filters work for employees on the front end?
Basic filter functionality
The Show Filters toggle described in the previous sections determines the availability of different types filters on the Wall, as follows:
- When Show Filters is turned OFF, no filters at all appear on the Wall. This means employees can only scroll through the full feed of posts from the whole business
- If Show Filters is turned ON, but no custom data fields are added, employees will see a People filter, allowing them to narrow down the feed to recognition sent or received by specific people
- If Show Filters is turned ON, and at least one custom data field the client is supplying through their eligibility file is added as a filter (e.g. Department, Business Unit, Location, etc.), a Groups section will also appear on the Wall. This allows users to narrow down the feed to recognition sent or received by specific groups within that filter (e.g. selected Departments in the business).
- People and Group filters can be combined. For example, if Department is set up as a filter, a user can choose to display recognition sent or received by a specific individual OR within a specific Department at the same time.
Enhanced filter functionality
Enhanced filters improve upon the basic People and Groups functionality described above, giving users the ability to:
- Run any search for People and / or Groups, and save it for future use through the "Save as Filter" link
- Private recognition sent or received by the user viewing the Wall will also be displayed and highlighted with a lock icon
- Private recognition sent or received by the user viewing the Wall will also be displayed and highlighted with a lock icon
- Find all filters they have saved, through a Saved Filters section on the Wall
- Saved Filters will also include an option to view All Recognition within the business. This is particularly useful when the client has set up a Company Filter to pre-determine the user's default view of the Wall, but the user wants to see posts from the whole business
- Filters in the Saved Filters section cannot be combined with People or Groups filters to run a new search
Reset a filter to go back to:
- The default view determined by the employer's Company Filter
- All recognition posts within the business (when a Company Filter is not set up)
Subscribe to a weekly email digest for recognition sent and received within one of their Saved Filters
- The weekly email digest is sent out on Sundays, at 9am in each recipient's timezone
- The weekly email digest displays up to 20 recognition posts from the selected filter, chosen randomly
- If no recognition has been sent or received within a certain filter throughout the week, users will not receive an email for that specific week
- See the list of R&R System Emails for an example screenshot of the weekly email digest
- There are two ways to subscribe to a saved filter:
- When first saving a filter:
- After saving a filter for the first time, by selecting the "Manage Filters" link on the Wall.
- "Manage Filters" also allows users to unsubscribe from any filters they have already signed up to.
- "Manage Filters" also allows users to unsubscribe from any filters they have already signed up to.
- Wall filters are also included in the Communication Preferences section of the platform, giving users another place to subscribe and unsubscribe from, provided they have already saved one or more filters on the Wall.
- When first saving a filter:
My client doesn't want employees to use the Social Wall. What should I do?
The steps to ensure the Social Wall is not available for a specific client are very similar to the process described above.
- Select Smart Products > Smart Dashboard from the left hand side menu in Reward Manager
- Look up your client's program in the search bar
- Check that Social Recognition appears in the Products Added section of Smart Dashboard
- If you don't see Social Recognition in the Products Added section, look for it in the Add SmartHub® products section on the right hand side of the page. If it's there, it's already disabled for your client, so you won't need to take any further action.
Turn OFF the toggle for Social Recognition. This means the Social Wall will immediately be removed from the client's platform, and there will no longer be the option to Send & Share recognition moments.
- If the toggle is already turned OFF, you don't need to take any further action. You can come back and re-enable it at any time if your client changes their mind.
- Once you've turned off the toggle, you can also remove Social Recognition from the Products Added section, by selecting Remove from the list and delete my settings
- If you take this step, and the client asks you to add the Wall to the program at a later date, you will need to follow all the steps described above to turn it back on.
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