With the Connect+ integration for MS Teams, you can send recognition directly within Teams!
Simply log into your Office 365 account and access the team where the Connect+ app has been installed by your Administrator. If you cannot find the Team it has been installed in, choose the Apps option on your sidebar and search for Connect+ to get started.
All alerts will be generated each time there is a new recognition message posted on your programme as well as for each recognition given through MS Teams. Alerts will be sent to a pre-defined channel your Administrator has chosen.
There are several ways of sending recognition to other users via the Connect+ integration. All of which are detailed below.
NOTE: the Microsoft Teams integration requires clients to have the Social Wall enabled on their platform. Clients who do not have this feature enabled will not be able to send recognition through Microsoft Teams.
Option 1: Sending Recognition via the Connect+ Bot
Select the "..." on your left-hand sidebar and search for Connect+ (You may find that your Connect+ App is already pinned to your sidebar in some situations by your Administrator already).
Select the Connect+ app from the list. This would now engage you in a 1 to 1 conversation with the Connect+ bot.
Select the Recognise option and press send.
If you've never used the Connect+ App before, you will get a message asking you to "Sign In" to your account.
Click on the "Sign In" button and login to your Reward Gateway programme using your credentials. You will be asked to type in the email address that you used to sign up for your account and the related password or in some cases you may be sent a one-time passcode to your email address to verify your account.
If you have no already signed up to use your Reward Gateway programme, you maybe have to do this first by visiting your Reward Gateway programme on a web browser and using the "Register to get access" option.
During the authentication process, you will be asked to Authorize your Reward Gateway account. This will give MS Teams access to your account details on Reward Gateway, therefore allowing you to action things straight from within Microsoft Teams.
Once this process is done you should automatically get a form where you can send out a recognition! More on that later!
Note: If you had already previously used the Connect+ App on MS Teams, you will not have to go through the above steps and would get a message from the bot which allows you to send recognition out directly by selecting the "Send Recognition" option as shown below.
Option 2: Sending Recognition via the Task Bar
You can also send recognition directly by clicking on the Connect+ icon on your Taskbar. A pop-up window will appear and show you a form that allows you to send out recognition.
Option 3: Sending recognition by tagging the Connect+ bot in a message thread
Alternately, you can also send recognition by directly tagging the Connect+ bot in a message thread of your choice. This will again open up a pop-up window and allow you to send out recognition.
All of the above options mentioned will open up a pop-up window that allows you to send out your recognition. Which would look similar to this.
Select the recipient you want to send the recognition out to, type in a message, pick the recognition you would like to send and select one of the "Send and Share" or "Send Privately" options. This would now send out this recognition to your recipient immediately and notify them of it.
Note: Privately sent recognition are not shared back into an MS Teams channel.