What is a Provision Master?
Allows a single source to make employee data changes. If a client has a provisioning integration set up, our system sets this integration as a Provision Master and will accept employee data changes (related to the mapped fields) only via this integration. If employees want to change their details (related to the mapped fields), they should contact their HR department (or the one that controls the HR system responsible for their details) to make the relevant changes. After that, these changes will be automatically pulled from our system via the integration.
If a member field is not mapped by an active provisioning integration, users are allowed to change its details from the corresponding pages.
Is this only applicable to programmes with SCIM integration?
Applies to all programmes. When there isn't an active provisioning integration, a default Provision Master is in place to allow users (to edit their own details) and HR people (to update their employees' details via manual or automated uploads).
Benefits of setting an integration as a Provision Master
Allows a third-party HRIS system to be the single source of truth and mitigates potential GDPR issues with data being manipulated by Reward Gateway users.
What happens if a client turns off the Provision Master after it has been enabled?
Turning Provision Master off allows users to edit their details and the client to upload membership files into the system.
Will there be any issues if they did this?
No, the system will continue to function normally with Provision Master turned on / off.
Can Provision Master be turned on again?
Yes. It can be turned on / off to accommodate the client's needs.