This article guides how to upload an Eligibility List in Reward Manager.
Accessing the Member Upload Tool
Once logged into Reward Manager, under the ‘Member’ tab, go to the Update Membership List section. If this is not visible or accessible, clients should contact their Client Success Manager, who can get the correct permission assigned.
Setting up a Template
The first time a client accesses the Member Upload Tool, they will be asked to create a Template.
Select Create your first Template.
Step 1: Configure
Give the Template a name. This will be used when processing the file, so make sure the name is memorable. Next, select a suitable workflow.
To find out which workflow is needed, read the guide: Managing membership eligibility
Step 2: Provide the Data
An example file is required so that we can confirm the structure and the columns the client intends to provide us with.
This example file must contain all fields under the Required Fields section. It may also contain the fields listed under the Optional Fields section. These will depend on the setup of the client's program and can be discussed with an Implementation Specialist or Client Success Manager.
Once ready with an example file, click Select file from your computer to choose it from the list of files before clicking the green Continue button.
Step 3: Match Columns
After uploading an example file, the columns within it must then be matched to the fields in Reward Gateway. Once all fields are selected, click Continue.
Step 4: Review and Complete
The Template should now be all set up to process membership files. Go back to the Membership Upload Dashboard to start processing files.
Uploading a file using a Template
In the Update Membership List section, the template that was created in the steps above should be visible.
Step 1: Selecting a file
Under the template name, the Status will update according to what needs to happen next. Click on the Select file from your computer button to browse for a file (files may be in CSV, XLS or XLSX format).
Once selected, click Upload and the file will begin processing. If it is a large file (with over five thousand rows) being processed, this may take some time – we will send a notification by email when it is ready to be reviewed.
Step 2: Review the changes (Impact)
After the file has been uploaded, we will calculate what impact it will have on the program’s membership. This is shown in terms of the change to the registered and available member counts.
If the numbers match expectations, click Complete Update to proceed. Or if the operation needs to be cancelled, click Cancel Update.
Step 3: Upload complete and confirmed
The upload is now complete and all members were added/removed from the eligibility list as per the workflow used. The results of the upload can be reviewed in this step.
How to view the history of all membership uploads for one program
From the Update Membership List section, select the desired Template.
Click on See upload history for this template link to go to the Membership Update History page. This will show all the uploads that were performed against this particular template and further information on its impact on the program.
What happens if the file uploaded has errors?
The file must contain the columns that were mapped when setting up the template. The data included in the columns must be valid as well – i.e. A column that is mapped to an Email Address field MUST only contain valid email addresses.
When a file is uploaded, it's verified and validated to see if there are any errors with the upload. If there are any errors, they will appear on screen immediately. A list of errors can also be downloaded as a file which shows which rows in the file are not valid.
Can updates to employee accounts be processed through the Membership Eligibility tool?
Yes, updates to accounts can be processed through the Membership Eligibility Tool. However, if these changes represent over 10% of the entire eligibility list, Reward Gateway will pause this upload for security and data protection reasons.
With employees leaving and joining our clients at various rates, we expect there to be frequent updates to the membership eligibility lists but a change of over 10% will need to be approved to ensure it's correct. There are two scenarios when a client's eligibility upload might be paused or blocked.
1. Changing over 10% of registered members on the eligibility list
In this case, we would not allow the client to proceed with the intended upload until it has been reviewed and confirmed by one of our Client Support Specialists. The client is able to download a list of the changes picked up by the Membership Eligibility Tool using the button displayed on the screen.
2. Changing between 1%-10% of registered employees on the eligibility list
We are also committed to ensuring that even small changes will not impact the client's data integrity. In this case, the client must download the list of changes and confirm that they have reviewed and accept these proposed changes before proceeding with the upload.