Employee Profiles - Get to know your colleagues better!
Employee Profiles are a great way to add value to Employee Engagement platforms as they increase visibility and social cohesion.
This is especially important for employees working at larger or global businesses that don't work directly with their peers on a daily basis.
We have heard from many clients, that are in need of employee profiles to help connect their people.
Our goals by launching Employee Profiles are:
- Make the platform more social
- Increase engagement
- Help employees connect and get to know each other better by letting them find something in common and start building a relationship.
Where to find Profiles and how to manage them
How do you find your profile? Simply go to the "My Account" section on-site and select Personal Profile.
When launching Profiles, all employees will get an alert, so they are reminded to go check their page.
If you are entering your Profile for the first time, you will see the following message box:
We value privacy and personal details very highly, so by default, all your personal information will be hidden, excluding name, position, manager, and stats until you decide to share them with your colleagues yourself, by switching on the toggles.
If we have left all toggles off, this is what your colleagues will see when they go to your page:
If you want your colleagues to get to know you better, choose the right approach to reach you, send you greetings for your birthday and find something in common, we advise to make your details visible and write a short introduction summary pointing out the most important or interesting facts for you.
Important Note: If you don't have Recognition enabled for your scheme, you will not see the stats.
A profile for a program without recognition
That's what the company network will see if you make yourself visible. Don't forget also to upload your photo, because that will help your colleagues recognise you easier:
What others will be able to see, if we enable all our information:
- Your photo - only if you have uploaded one
- Name and position: always there by default, cannot be hidden
- Summary: open text field that you are able to fill with all the information you find appropriate. It will be visible for all people in the company
- Contact details: email and phone number - they will be automatically filled, if existing in the uploaded file, but will not be visible if you decide to hide them
- Time zone
- Birthday: the year will not be visible, even if it exists in the file upload.
- Reporting line: your direct manager and who you manage (if you have some direct reports). It's helpful to add this information to the upload file, so it gives some more knowledge on the company structure and people you can reach if necessary.
- Last 30 days (and all-time) statistics: number of eCards/awards sent and received, (if you have the product enabled for your program. Otherwise, these will not be visible). Also, blog posts written will be there, if you have an admin role. This part is always visible and cannot be hidden.
- "Send Recognition" button: a quick link to the Social recognition wall and to the place where an eCard can be sent to you. If you don't have this product enabled, this will not be visible.
- Follow button - if your colleagues "follow" you, they will be alerted about each new post you publish (if you have the right to post of course).
- Number of followers visible - related to the above - number of people, who are following you.
And here is how your profile will look for yourself in an edit mode:
You will be able to edit:
- Your photo: you can upload, delete and resize an image, you have selected to represent yourself;
- Summary: an open text space up to 1000 characters, where you can describe yourself or add any other sort of information with standard formatting options available. You will be able to add hyperlink or button (with a hyperlink) to your site, facebook or LinkedIn profile. Several styles are available to choose from including normal and "quote".
- Email, phone and birthday, which can be easily hidden by using the toggles.
- More: manager reporting lines and stats (always visible).
People Directory - Simplify searches and create a lively platform
Employee Profiles are a great way to add value to Employee Engagement platforms, as they increase visibility, improve communication and social cohesion. A place where all who work in your company are listed in order to simplify searching and connecting with others. This is especially important for employees working at large or global businesses that don't work directly with their peers on a daily basis.
It’s a one-stop-shop and makes it easier than ever to search and find the right person, from the right location, in the right department…
Top benefits of having People Directory added to your site:
- Make the platform more social
- Increase engagement
- Help employees connect and find commonalities
- Help start building stronger and better relationships
Where to find the People Directory and how to manage it
When you are in your profile (or looking at someone else's), just follow the breadcrumb above the profile picture.
Alternatively, you can find it on the menu if you request a tab dedicated to People Directory.
When there, you can see all your colleagues ordered alphabetically, including their names, locations, departments and also to be able to send them an eCard (the button Send Recognition will not be visible if you don't have the Social Recognition enabled).
You will be able to search for a specific person if you enter their name on the search bar and press the magnifying glass icon.
You can also find all people from a specific location, department or any other criteria - just use the rest of the filters.
When clicking on someone's picture, you will be directly taken to their profile!