When setting up a Nomination program, clients can determine the relationship between employees and approvers through one of four methods:
- Open: anyone can nominate a colleague for an award. Users with the Approver role can review any of the nominations on the system, at the approval level they have been appointed for (approval levels will be covered later in this article)
- Open (selectable): anyone can nominate a colleague and freely select an approver. Approvers can only review entries assigned to them, and only one level of approval is available
- Open (nominee): all eligible nominees must be linked to an approver, at each of the approval levels the program requires. Approvers can only review entries about nominees linked to them, within the levels they are assigned to
- Closed: all eligible nominators must be linked to an approver, at each of the approval levels the program requires. Approvers can only review entries about nominators linked to them, within the levels they are assigned to
Supported features
The table below explains what features each method supports.
How are approvers appointed? |
Group nominations supported? |
Multiple approval levels supported? |
Multiple approvers supported? |
Alternate approvers supported? |
Open |
Through the Nomination program configuration |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
Open (Selectable) |
Through the Nomination program configuration |
Yes |
No |
No |
Yes |
Open (Nominee) |
Through the Nomination program configuration OR through the employee data file |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Closed |
Through the Nomination program configuration OR through the employee data file |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Please note:
- in order to be appointed successfully, approvers need to be registered to the site. Unregistered users cannot be given the Approver role.
- If the Approver role is manually removed for a person, it will not automatically be reinstated through the employee data file and must be added manually through the permission for that member.
Frequently asked questions
How do approval levels work?
Most clients only have one level of approval for each of their nomination programs. This means that, in order for a nomination to be turned into an award or rejected, only one approver needs to review it.
Clients with more complex hierarchies can set up multiple levels of approval. For example, two levels of approval would mean that:
- The approver at level 1 is the first to receive the nomination. They can choose whether to approve or reject it
- Nominations that have been rejected at Level 1 do not move forward in the process
- Nominations that have been approved at Level 1 are submitted to a Level 2 approver. This is the person who makes the final decision on whether to turn it into an award or reject it
More than one approver can be assigned to each approval level. However, once a nomination is submitted, each level of approval only needs to be actioned once, regardless of how many people have permission to access it (i.e. approver committees are not supported).
Clients can customize the number of required approval levels for each specific award. For example:
- There can be an award that only requires two levels of approval within a program that normally requires three levels
- However, there cannot be an award that requires three levels of approval within a program that normally allows two
How are approvers appointed in the Open (Nominee) and Closed methods?
The most common way of linking approvers to employees is in bulk, through the employee data file. Clients will need to add the approver’s employee ID in the row corresponding to the employee they are linking the approver to
If the Nomination Method is Open (Nominee) or Closed, clients need to add extra columns to their employee data file, depending on how many programs and / or approval levels they have.
Here’s an example for one program with two approval levels:
Here’s an example for two separate programs with one approval level each:
Here’s an example for two separate programs (the first has two approval levels, the second only has one):
What does “multiple approvers” mean?
Clients using the Open (Nominee) or Closed method can link employees to multiple approvers. This can help them set up appropriate approval relationships in situations when multiple people have oversight of an employee’s work (e.g. a Retail employee working in a branch with multiple Store Managers). Once we enable multiple approvers for a scheme we wont be able to turn it off, new award scheme will have to be created to support the change in the approval method.
When linking multiple approvers to employees through the employee data file, the columns will accept approver IDs as comma-separated values, as in the example below (two separate programs, one level of approval each):
Clients who would like to use this feature need to request it from their Account Manager, Client Success Manager, or Client Support Team before they can start using it.
What does “Alternate Approvers” mean?
Approvers who need help processing the nominations assigned to them can appoint one or more Alternate Approvers to approve or reject nominations on their behalf. This can help achieve a quicker turnaround of nominations submitted and reviewed.
Each approver can appoint their Alternate Approvers through the Review Nominations page on the website. This option is not available in Reward Manager. As it's each individual Approver's choice, Alternate Approvers cannot be added at program level.
Alternate Approvers can be appointed indefinitely or for a specific period of time. A notification email will let them know they have been appointed, and how long the appointment will last.
For the duration of their appointment, Alternate Approvers will be able to see, approve and reject all nominations submitted to the original Approver, for any program or at any approval level the original Approver is assigned to.
If an Alternate Approver adds an approval reason to a nomination that has been set to be shared on the Social Wall, the approval reason will appear as a comment on the Wall, and the author of the comment will be the original Approver.
Clients who would like to use this feature need to request it from their Account Manager, Client Success Manager, or Client Support Team before approvers can start using it.
What’s the role of a Super Approver?
A Super Approver has access to all nominations submitted through the platform, within any program and at any level of approval.
Super Approvers do not need to be linked to specific Nomination programs or specific employees in order to view, approve and reject nominations.
When a Super Approver approves a nomination on a programme with multiple approval levels set up, the nomination will still need to be approved at the other approval levels.
The Super Approver role cannot be delegated to an Alternate Approver.
To assign the Super Approver role to a user, please make a request to the Client Support Team.
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