How can clients track the movements of funds in their recognition budgets?
Clients can access three reports about transactions and budget movements in Reward Manager.
- R201 - Top Up Report
- R605 - Pot Names, Owners and Balances for InstantAwards™
- R609 - Transaction Summary Report
Who can access recognition reports and how?
Everyone with Reports Viewer access in Reward Manager will be able to see and download these reports. If you would like to give this access to anyone in your organisation, contact your Client Success Manager or the Client Support team.
Once logged in to Reward Manager, users with Reports Viewer access can follow the steps below to see the reports:
- Select Smart Products on the Reward Manager left hand menu
- Select the SmartInsights™ option within Smart Products
- Select the Reporting option within SmartInsights™
- Enter a specific report name in the "Search by report name" bar at the top left of the page, or select RewardRecognition in the "Search by product" dropdown at the top right to see all reports relevant to Recognition (including nominations)
All reports can be displayed directly on the screen, or downloaded as a .xlsx file.
Read on to find out more about the information included in each report.
R201 - Top Up Report
- Information included: This report shows money transferred from the client’s main R&R budget to individual recognition programmes.
Report can be filtered by:
- Time period (users can pull the report for one or more months)
- Time period (users can pull the report for one or more months)
The final report includes:
- Top up date (date the money was transferred out of the main budget)
Transaction value - transactions can include:
- Top ups to programs that have a dedicated budget in Reward Manager
- Awards sent from programs that draw funds directly from the main budget
- Program name - the name of the program the funds are transferred to
Program type - this could be one of:
- Instant Awards
- Nomination (AwardNominator™)
- Upload (AwardFilePlus™)
- BulkSchedule (Scheduled Recognition)
R605 - Pot Names, Owners and Balances for InstantAwards™
- Information included: This report lists all of the manager budgets for the client’s InstantAwards™ programs, and their balances at the time of viewing the report. R605 is not built to provide a breakdown of top-ups, balance changes or changes in pot owners over a period of time.
Report can be filtered by:
- InstantAwards™ program
- InstantAwards™ program
The final report includes:
- R&R Scheme Name - the client's main R&R budget, which funds all InstantAwards™ programs
- R&R Client Balance - the amount in the client's main R&R budget at the time of viewing the report. This balance can be used to fund the client's InstantAwards™ programs
- Programme name - the name of one of the client's InstantAwards™ programs
- Budget owner(s) payroll number - the employee IDs of all the members appointed as Main Budget Owners for the InstantAwards™ program
- Budget owner(s) name - the names of all the members appointed as Main Budget Owners for the InstantAwards™ program
- Programme balance - the main pot balance for the InstantAwards™ program at the time of viewing the report. This balance can be used to send awards, or fund the manager pots within the program
- Manager pot name - the name of one of the manager pots within the InstantAwards™ program. On the row detailing the program's main pot balance, this cell will be empty
- Manager Pot Owner(s) payroll number - the employee IDs of all the members appointed as owners of the manager pot. On the row detailing the program's main pot balance, this cell will be empty
- Manager Pot Owner(s) name - the names of all the members appointed as owners of the manager pot. On the row detailing the program's main pot balance, this cell will be empty
- Manager Pot Balance - the balance for the manager pot at the time of viewing the report. This balance can be used to send awards. On the row detailing the program's main pot balance, this cell will be empty
R609 - Transaction Summary Report
- Information included: This report shows the opening and closing balance of each of the client’s R&R programmes, within a period of time selected by the client. It also shows the transactions (top ups / awards sent / cancellations) that have contributed to calculating the balance.
Report can be filtered by:
- Time period (specific start and end date)
- Time period (specific start and end date)
The final report includes:
Opening Balance (on the selected start date)
- The client's main recognition budget is included
- All of the client's recognition programs (InstantAwards™, AwardNominator™, AwardFilePlus™, Scheduled Recognition) are included
- Programs that draw funds directly from the main budget will always appear with 0 opening balance
- Manager pots that sit within InstantAwards programs are not included
Transactions (between the selected start date and selected end date)
- Only programs and pots with transactions recorded within the time period will be included.
- This may include programs and pots that have been deleted at a later stage, if they had transactions recorded within the time period
- Manager pots that sit within InstantAwards™ programs may be included, if they had transactions recorded within the time period
Transactions can include:
Gross additions, for example:
- Funds added to the client's main budget, following an invoice payment
- Funds that moved to a recognition program (AwardNominator™, AwardFilePlus™, Scheduled Recognition) from the main budget.
- This can happen either to top up a program's dedicated budget, or because awards are being sent with funds drawn directly from the main budget
- Funds added to a manager pot from the InstantAwards™ main pot
- Negative numbers in the Gross additions column indicate funds that have been moved back to their source (e.g. the client's main recognition budget; an InstantAwards™ program; or the client, in case they request a refund of money sitting in their main budget)
Gross sum of awards refunded
- This is the total sum of awards that have been cancelled within the time period, and returned to the program or pot they were sent from
- This is the total sum of awards that have been cancelled within the time period, and returned to the program or pot they were sent from
Gross sum of awards sent
- This is the total sum of awards that have been sent within the time period
- This is the total sum of awards that have been sent within the time period
Gross additions, for example:
Closing Balance (on the selected end date)
- The client's main recognition budget is included
- All of the client's recognition programs (InstantAwards™, AwardNominator™, AwardFilePlus™, Scheduled Recognition) are included
- Programs that draw funds directly from the main budget will always appear with 0 closing balance.
- Even though the Transactions section shows a breakdown of transactions for each of these programs, the movements of funds these transactions create will always be reflected in the main budget's closing balance
- Programs that draw funds directly from the main budget will always appear with 0 closing balance.
- Manager pots that sit within InstantAwards™ programs are not included
Opening Balance (on the selected start date)
Frequently asked questions
Can Reward Gateway customize these reports on a client by client basis?
These reports come in a standard format, that is the same across all clients and cannot be customized on request.
Are there any other breakdowns of transactions clients can access?
InstantAwards™ pot owners can access and download a breakdown of transactions specific to their programs. This can include funds added, awards sent, awards cancelled, or funds returned to the main budget.
- This is available through the following path in Reward Manager: InstantAwards > Transaction History
- Main Budget Owners will see all transactions across the main budget and any of the manager pots it funds
- Manager pot owners will see all transactions within the manager pot (or pots) they are assigned to
Reward Manager also offers a wide range of reports providing a breakdown of sent awards, across all products. These are covered in the Tracking awards issued with SmartInsights reports article.
One of the reports is timing out. Why is that?
These reports, particularly R605 and R609, displays a large amount of columns, which draw information from several different tables in our database. They are among our largest recognition reports, and on occasion, clients looking to report on a very large volume of transactions may find that a report is very slow to run or times out.
Selecting a shorter date range or narrowing down results through filtering can help reduce the amount of data the system needs to extract, and therefore, speed up loading time. This is strongly recommended for clients who see R605 time out because they are selecting a large number of Instant Awards programs, or are unable to display R609 for a time period when an unusually large volume of transactions occurred.