Engagement Survey
For many teams and organizations, there isn’t a clear picture about what’s going on specifically so getting a broad perspective of engagement is a great starting point. In line with our Engagement Bridge™ model, we’ve designed a two-section engagement survey which evaluates the importance of each element to employees and the current experience employees are having. Using this method, we’re able to quickly pinpoint areas of misalignment at a team and organizational level to provide priority areas to focus on for improvements.
Customizing Your Survey
The overall engagement survey is about identifying misalignment or gaps for employees between what they view as important and how the current landscape is. Once you’ve highlighted an issue, you are able to target that element of engagement to take action and measure progress more specifically on that element.
Food For Thought
While there are only 13 items in this template, each of them is asked twice from a different perspective. This means you can quickly identify what’s important vs. what happens. While most elements will be seen as important, some will be rated higher than others. Keep in mind that as the organization changes and matures, so do the needs of employees. Don’t be surprised if what was important 12 months ago is now no longer at the top of the list.
Whether you are or aren’t using an over-arching employee engagement survey, our survey is a great ongoing yardstick to track your efforts with regard to overall engagement.
Like everything we do, it’s about providing you with information to take effective action. Our overall engagement survey points you directly to the biggest pain points for the organization at the time. With such pointed insight, our other templates can be leveraged to go deeper into specific areas that need to be addressed. Plus, once identified you can get in touch with your Customer Success Manager to see how else we can support you around improving specific areas of engagement with our other solutions.
You can complement the overall engagement survey by asking an open ended question like ‘What can we do to make this company an even better place to work?’
Compare the importance results to the current experience results. Anything that is of high importance but low when it comes to current experience should be explored. In contrast, if something is relatively low on importance and high on current experience, it can take a back seat. They key with the results is to communicate your findings and intentions as soon as possible to avoid creating a skeptical view of engagement initiatives.