What is the Menu Editor?
The menu Editor is now available for SmartHub Administrators via the new "Manage my Programme" section in Reward Manager (Administration Portal).
The Editor allows you to make changes to the navigation bar that appears on the top of your Programme's platform.
How do you use the Menu Editor?
The Menu Editor consists of 3 main sections: The menu preview, the menu layout and the add/edit menu item section.
Items that include a ⋁ symbol on the right hand side contain subitems. This means they have more items nested underneath them. You will have a maximum of 3 layers of menu items.
In order to start editing the menu click on any of the available Menu Items or the "Add menu item" Button.
The Home Item cannot be Edited.
How do you add a new menu item?
When clicking on the "Add menu item" button, a list of all your available items will appear on the left hand side. The list also includes Custom Items and Custom Menus, that are fully customisable and can be used to include any Menu Items outside the ones in your list, or to group your menu items. You can close (x) the Add menu Item section at any time.
If you have clicked on a specific item that already exists in your menu, the new menu item will be placed underneath it. If no item has been selected, your addition will appear at the bottom of the menu layout.
Note: In order to ensure optimal navigation experience for your users, you can add a maximum of 11 items in your menu.
How do you add a new sub-menu or sub-submenu item?
In the same way! If you click on a menu item that can have submenu items, the option will appear to Add a submenu item.
And if you click on a submenu item that can have sub-submenu items, the option will appear to Add a sub-submenu item
NB! If you want to add an item/menu that needs to be segmented on the navigation bar, you need to add it from the existing listed items.
If you add it as Custom Item/Menu the segmentation will not be reflected on the navigation bar and that item/menu will be visible to all members.
How do you edit an item?
When selecting an item, the item will be highlighted and the Menu Editor opens. There, depending on whether the item is menu, submenu or sub-submenu, you can Edit the item Name, how it behaves when clicked on, the url/link and how it appears in your Programme Menu (dropdown or megamenu)
Note: With the exception of custom items and menus, some items will have more options than other, or some options will be disabled. This applies for System Items like Discounts, Blogs etc.
Menu, submenu and sub-submenu items require a Name and a url/Link, description is optional for menu items only and will also appear in your Programme Navigation.
When Editing an item, the nest and Unnest option will appear for eligible items, this is another way to create submenu and sub-submenu items. The item will be nested on the item above it.
How do you delete an item?
In order to delete a menu Item, all you have to do is select it and click the Delete Button.
Note: System menu items will be available in your Add menu Item section after deleting. Any custom items and custom menu will be lost though once deleted, and have to be added & edited again!
How do you move an item?
You can easily move and item up or down by selecting it and using the green up and down arrow buttons. One click of the arrow buttona will move the selected menu item one position
Don't forget you can also use the nest and unnest buttons after you have selected a specific items.
How do you use the Menu Preview?
The menu Preview offers a handy representation of how your Programme Navigation will appear to your Programme Users after you changes have been saved, so you do not need to keep a separate page open to check your changes. It updates real-time while your are editing.
Turning the User-Savings Toggle on & off, also updates the preview instantly and either Shows or Hides Saving Information to the user.
Note: Remember that your Programme's platform will appear different to different users, depending on the screen size, resolution and window size of their browser.
Also segmented items, will only appear for users that are included in these segments.
So, while the preview includes everything, it is not a mirror image of what every user will see!
And how do I save my changes?
All you need to do is hit the Publish button either on the top or bottom of your screen. You will get a confirmation message on the top of your screen when your changes have been successful or a warning that your changes could not be saved.
Some Best Practices when using the new Menu Editor
- Don't make all edits at once! Slow & steady is better, take it a few steps at a item or edit just a few menu items at a time.
- Don't add too many menu items, sub-items and sub-sub-items. There are more ways available to you to navigate your users.
- But Do remember that segmented items will only show to users in the segment! The preview will show you everything though.
- Do keep your Menu Item names & descriptions brief & to the point! This will help your users navigate easier and improve the overall look & feel.
- If something goes wrong, Don't worry! You can always edit the same item again.