What is Retailer Visibility?
Retailers & Offers is the management tool for SmartSpending™ from where you can administer the visibility of our discount offers and position them the way they suit your business best.
Making sure that the appropriate offers are shown and promoted on your platform will help your employees engage and save more!
Who can manage this and how
Retail Administrators can access Retailers & Offers via Reward Manager and choose between 2 types of management:
- Manage - this section will show a full list of active retailers in SmartSpending™ and will allow administrators to review and change the retailers' visibility and any time.
- Dashboard - this section will show the new retailers we have added to the SmartSpending™ and administrators will be able to select the initial visibility of the retailer. This can, later on, be changed through Reward Manager > Retailers & Offers > Manage.
Types of Retailers' Visibility:
Hidden: The retailer's offer will not appear on the platform.
Limited Visibility: The retailer's offer will appear on the platform, and will not be included in promotional materials (emails and banners).
Standard Visibility: The retailer's offer will appear on the platform, and will be searchable and promoted (via emails and banners).
Managing Retailers & Offers
Via Reward Manager
The Manage section contains a full list of the retailers currently on SmartSpending™ and administrators can:
- Filter by retailer name and status
- Export the results
- View each retailer's offer in detail and change their visibility:
Retailers & Offers Dashboard
The Dashboard section includes new retailers added to SmartSpending™ and administrators will be able to select the initial visibility of the retailer. This can, later on, be changed through Reward Manager > Retailers & Offers > Manage.