What is Rate Limiting?
Rate limiting is a technique for limiting network traffic. It puts a restriction on how often an end-user can repeat an action in a time period. This stops certain types of malicious activity, like denial-of-service (where an attacker tries to prevent legitimate use by sending large amounts of traffic) and brute-force attacks (where an attacker uses a trial-and-error method to try and gain access.)
It can sometimes be triggered by legitimate usage. This guide explains how to correct those instances.
If you use a corporate network connection or shared WiFi
If you are using a corporate network connection or shared WiFi, you may trigger the rate limit more often. This happens because it is not possible to distinguish each device on the network externally - all treated as if they were coming from one device.
To avoid this, we increase rate limits for specific networks. You can do this by adding IP Addressto the IP Safe List in Reward Manager, by visiting RM → Security → Enter any Scheme ID → Basic Settings → Add an IP Address to the safe list.
Note: To have access to this, you will need a specific role "Security Administrator" on Reward Manager. If you do not have access to do this, please request it from your Client Success Manager.
If you do not use a corporate network connection or shared WiFi
If you are not on a corporate network connection or using shared WiFi, you should not see this message unless you have tried repeatedly to perform the same action in quick succession.
In this case, please file a Support ticket to our Client Support Team with:
- Summary of the action you tried to perform
- Your IP address at the time you tried to complete the action
How do I find my IP address?
You can find this by Googling ‘what is my IP address?’