How much can I buy/sell my holiday for?
The value of your holiday units varies according to your salary. You will see how much your holiday is worth using the slider on our Holiday Trading application page.
Why don’t I have the same holiday trading allowance as my colleague?
The amount of holiday you can buy or sell is specified by your employer and will vary depending on individual circumstances and salary.
Can I change my mind once I have traded holiday?
You can change your mind and withdraw your application before the first cut-off date. After the cut-off date passes, you won’t be able to amend or withdraw your application.
What happens if I leave the company?
If you are planning to leave the company you should contact your HR department to find out how your Holiday Trading application will be affected.
Will the money for my holiday be paid in one lump sum?
The cost that you agree to buy or sell your holiday for will be paid in installments through your salary, as specified by your employer.