About Holiday Trading
Part-time employees can take part in Holiday Trading.
The product will work the same way it does for all other product users. The only thing needed, so that Holiday Trading knows when someone is a part-time employee and makes its calculations accurately, is for the client to provide Annual Weeks Worked and Weekly Hours Worked along with the other required information when doing an employee data upload, as explained in the article What Holiday Trading data should clients upload for their employees?
Annual Weeks Worked - weeks worked per year: If this information is not provided, a default value of 52 will be used - required field for part-time employees, and optional when the client would like to use the default value of 52 for their employees
Weekly Hours Worked - hours worked per week: If this information is not provided, a default value of 40 will be used - required field for part-time employees, and optional when the client would like to use the default value of 40 for their employees
To find out how to use the upload and create a template, read the guide How to upload an Eligibility List.