Where to find the deduction report
- Log into the Reward Manager
- Select SmartPay tab on the lefthand sidebar
- Select Administer
- Select the tab Payrolls on the page
- Select the link Download Deduction Report, which is just above the payroll(s)
The window just closed. Where is the deduction report?
The deduction report is generated only on cut-off date of the payrolls pre-set in the SmartPay product configuration, not on window close date.
Note: Find out more details about the deduction reports in SmartPay in the article SmartPay™ deduction reports .
How should a client organize the deductions for Holiday Trading, if they don't yet have the deduction report?
Clients can export a report of all Holiday Trading applications at any time from the application listing.
- Log into the Reward Manager
- Select SmartPay tab on the lefthand sidebar
- Select Administer
- Select the tab Applications
- Apply the filters you need (for example, select product Holiday Trading to filter the applications for HT only, select application status Approved if you'd like to export a list with approved applications only, etc.)
- Select Apply Filter
- Select the green button Export Applications
Does the export of applications provide enough data to be able to organize the deductions?
Yes, the report includes employee identifier, employee name, product name, application amount (for example, buy 1 hour, which costs £50), deduction period (the period of time the employee will repay their application for, such as 12), status (the status of the application, if it is approved, rejected, pending or cancelled), and application date (the date at which the employee submitted their application). Below is an example:
Find more details about how to manage applications in the article How to manage applications in SmartPay™ .