AwardNominator™ - Tracking usage with SmartInsights reports
How can clients track engagement with AwardNominator™?
Clients can access five reports about AwardNominator™ usage and engagement in Reward Manager:
- R51 - Number of Approvals
- R52 - Value of Approvals
- R53 - Number of Pending Approvals
- R54 - Value of Pending Approvals
- R57 - Detailed Nomination Report
Who can access AwardNominator™ reports and how?
Everyone with Reports Viewer access in Reward Manager will be able to see and download these reports. If you would like to give this access to anyone in your organisation, contact your Client Success Manager or the Client Support team.
Once logged in to Reward Manager, users with Reports Viewer access can follow the steps below to see the reports:
- Select Smart Products on the Reward Manager left hand menu
- Select the SmartInsights™ option within Smart Products
- Select the Reporting option within SmartInsights™
- Enter a specific report name in the "Search by report name" bar at the top left of the page, or select RewardRecognition in the "Search by product" dropdown at the top right to see all reports relevant to Recognition (including nominations)
All reports can be displayed directly on the screen, or downloaded as a .xlsx file.
Read on to find out more about the information included in each report.
R51 - Number of Approvals
- Information included: total number of nominations that have been approved during the selected time period. Rejected and pending nominations are not included.
- Report can be filtered by:
- AwardNominator™ programme
- Time period (users can pull the report for one or more months)
- Final report broken down by:
- Nominator name
- Approver name
- Award type
- Any custom employee data fields (e.g. Department, Location, etc.) that have been set up in List format or as Enterprise fields (please contact the Client Support Team if you have any questions about this)
R52 - Value of Approvals
- Information included: total monetary value of nominations that have been approved during the selected time period.
- Rejected and pending nominations are not included.
- Nominations that have been approved and are linked to an award with 0 value are included. This may explain why the report shows a total of 0 even though nominations have been approved during the time period.
- Report can be filtered by:
- AwardNominator™ program
- Time period (users can pull the report for one or more months)
- Final report broken down by:
- Nominator name
- Approver name
- Award type
- Any custom employee data fields (e.g. Department, Location, etc.) that have been set up in List format or as Enterprise fields (please contact the Client Support Team if you have any questions about this)
R53 - Number of Pending Approvals
- Information included: number of nominations that have been submitted and are awaiting review from an approver
- Report can be filtered by:
- AwardNominator™ program
- Time period (users can pull the report for one or more months)
- Final report broken down by:
- Nominator name
- Approver name
- Award type
- Any custom employee data fields (e.g. Department, Location, etc.) that have been set up in List format or as Enterprise fields (please contact the Client Support Team if you have any questions about this)
R54 - Value of Pending Approvals
- Information included: total monetary value of nominations that have been submitted and are awaiting review from an approver.
- Nominations that have been submitted and are linked to an award with 0 value are included. This may explain why the report shows a total of 0 even though nominations have been submitted during the time period.
- Nominations that have been submitted and are linked to an award with 0 value are included. This may explain why the report shows a total of 0 even though nominations have been submitted during the time period.
- Report can be filtered by:
- AwardNominator™ program
- Time period (users can pull the report for one or more months)
- Final report broken down by:
- Nominator name
- Approver name
- Award type
- Any custom employee data fields (e.g. Department, Location, etc.) that have been set up in List format or as Enterprise fields (please contact the Client Support Team if you have any questions about this)
R57 - Detailed Nomination Report
- Information included: a detailed report of all nominations submitted within a specific program and time period, including nominators, nominees, monetary award value, nomination message and status.
- Report can be filtered by:
- AwardNominator™ program
- Time period (users can select specific start and end dates)
- Approved date (this is the date the nomination was processed by an approver, i.e. approved or rejected)
- Approver name
- Award type
- Status (Pending, Accepted or Rejected)
- The final report includes:
- Nomination ID
- Issue date (in UTC timezone)
- Status (nomination status could be Pending, Accepted or Rejected)
- Nominee name
- Nominee's employee ID
- Nominee state (Active User or Deleted user)
- Award type (this is the award originally selected by the nominator)
- Shared? (Private or Public, depending on whether it was shared on the Social recognition wall and managers have received alerts)
- Approved award type
- This is the award the nominee receives, and may not match the Award Type column, as approvers have the option to select a different award before approving a nomination
- This column is blank when the nomination is Pending or Rejected
- Award value (this is the value of the award originally selected by the nominator)
- Nominator name
- Nominator's employee ID
- Nominator's custom employee data fields (e.g. Department, Location, etc.) that have been set up in List format or as Enterprise fields (please contact the Client Support Team if you have any questions about this). These fields reflect the currently active custom data fields and might vary from the ones which were active once the nomination was created.
- Approver name
- Approver's employee ID
- Approved value
- This is the value of the award the nominee receives, and may not match the Award Value column, as approvers have the option to select a different award before approving a nomination
- This column is blank when the nomination is Pending or Rejected
- Approved date (in UTC timezone)
- This is the date the nomination was processed by an approver, i.e. approved or rejected
- This column is blank when the nomination is Pending
- Nominee's custom employee data fields (e.g. Department, Location, etc.) that have been set up in List format or as Enterprise fields (please contact the Client Support Team if you have any questions about this). These fields reflect the currently active custom data fields and might vary from the ones which were active once the nomination was created.
- All fields included in the nomination form the nominator has filled in
- These columns may be blank for fields marked as optional in the form, or new fields introduced after the nomination was submitted and reflect all current fields in the nomination form builder.
Frequently asked questions
Can Reward Gateway customise these reports on a client by client basis?
These reports come in a standard format, that is the same across all clients and cannot be customised on request.
How do these reports track Group Nominations?
With AwardNominator™, clients can set up their program so that multiple individuals can be nominated for the same award, at the same time. For example, if a nomination for a $5 award includes two nominees, each nominee will receive $5 if the nomination is approved.
When a Group Nomination that includes multiple nominees is submitted, the approver only sees one nomination to process. However, once the approver has processed it, the system records the outcome against each individual nominee. This means that:
- If the nomination is rejected, SmartInsights reports record one rejection per individual nominee in the group
- If the nomination is approved, SmartInsights reports record one approval per individual nominee in the group
- The SmartInsights reports that track the monetary value of nominations will count each award sent to each individual (so in the example above, the value of approved nomination would be $10)
The number of approved nominations reported in R51 and R57 does not match for the same time period. Why is that?
Reports R51 and R57 aggregate nominations in different ways:
- R51 collects all nominations that have an approval date that falls within the time period. This may include nominations that were submitted in a month not included in the report.
- R57 collects all nominations that were submitted within the time period. This may include nominations that are still pending or have been rejected during the time period.
Why do some of the nominations in R57 show an "Approved Date" and a blank value?
The "Approved Date" field refers to the date the nomination was processed by an approver, regardless of the outcome. Therefore, this field will be populated with a date even if the nomination has been rejected.
As no monetary value is taken out of the client's budget for rejected nominations, these are displayed in R57 with a blank Award Value column.
Why are some of the nomination form fields in R57 marked as "Unavailable"?
Clients can customise their nomination forms with the help of the Client Support Team, and at times, request to remove fields they no longer want to use.
These fields are still recorded in R57, so the report can still show the full details of nominations submitted while they were in use. However, they are marked as "Unavailable" to help users understand why they are not filled in for nominations submitted after they have been removed. The removal date is also stated in the column header.
How does R57 work when an AwardNominator™ program has more than one level of approval?
With AwardNominator™, clients can set up multiple levels of approval (up to 5), so that nominations can be reviewed by multiple people following a specific hierarchy of approvers. The nominee can only receive an award after the approver at the highest level has approved their nomination.
In this case, the Approval Date on R57 refers to the date the nomination was last reviewed by an approver. This does not necessarily mean that the award is ready to be sent to the nominee. This can be, for example, if an approver at the first level has given their approval, but the nomination is still awaiting a decision from the second level approver (which, in this example, is the final level).
Keeping with the example of a program with two levels of approval, clients may also see this flow if one of the approvers chooses to progress the nomination but change it to a different award type.
- The award in the original nomination is displayed in the Award Type column of the report
- The first level approver chooses to approve the nomination, but changes the award type before doing so
- For as long as the nomination remains pending with the second level approver, the Approved Award Type and Approved Award Value fields will remain blank in the report
- The second level approver can choose to approve the award type put forward at the first level, or change it again. Their choice will determine the values that will appear in the Approved Award Type and Approved Award Value fields once they have processed the nomination.
The R57 report is timing out. Why is that?
R57 displays a large number of columns, which draw information from several different tables in our database. This makes it one of our largest recognition reports, and on occasion, clients looking to report on a very large volume of nominations may find that it is very slow to run or times out.
Selecting a shorter date range or narrowing down results through filtering can help reduce the amount of data the system needs to extract, and therefore, speed up loading time. This is strongly recommended for clients who see R57 time out because they are selecting a long timeframe, or a time period when an unusually large volume of nominations was submitted.
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