Once you have selected a file to upload, the system will assess it to make sure all data is valid. Here are some of the errors it might highlight if the file is not in the correct format:
- Your file is not in one of the supported formats
- The budget available to your AwardFilePlus™ program is not enough to create all the awards in your file
- Columns are not in the exact order you have set up in the template
- One or more of the required fields (listed at the start of this article) are not included in the file
- There are blank cells in the file
- One or more of the award import codes in the file do not match the award types that are set up on the program
- Email addresses are required to send out the awards, but the award file does not provide an email address for all employees
If one or more of these errors happen, the system will display a preview on the screen, and give you the option to download a full list if there is a large number of errors. Watch the video below for an example (this particular example was created with a file that included award types that do not exist).
After this first assessment stage, the system will check the employee IDs in the list, and display a warning if any IDs do not correspond to eligible members in Reward Manager. You will then be able to:
- Export a full list of missing employee IDs / revoked users
- Continue with the file upload, and only send awards to the employees that are eligible in Reward Manager (the ones whose IDs are missing, or who have been revoked, will be skipped)
- Cancel the file upload, if you prefer to amend your file and try again at a later stage