Before you start, you will need...
- At least one On The Spot program already added to your platform. Please contact your Client Relationship Manager or the Client Support Team if you would like this set up for you, and read this guide (On The Spot Recognition | How to: manage your program) to learn how to access your programs.
- The RR Budget Holder role assigned to you (or any other users who need to be able to create On The Spot awards) in Reward Manager
- All award values that need sending to employees configured in Reward Manager (read this guide (On The Spot Recognition | How to: manage your program) to learn how to configure award types)
- Enough budget to cover the volume of awards you plan to send.
- A populated award file. This is a file in .csv format, with the column headings listed below.
- Nomination Detail (the personal message the employee should see with their award. There is no character limit for this)
- Nominator Name (this can be anything you want - the name of an individual, the program, the company, etc., as long as it is 160 characters or fewer)
- Award Type (this will be the file import code available on the On-The-Spot program configuration, in the Award Types section)
Award file example:
Step 1: Upload your award file
Before uploading an award file, make sure the format follows these rules:
- Your file is in one of the supported formats (we recommend .csv)
- All the required fields (listed at the start of this article) are included in the file
- All rows in your file are filled (no blank cells)
- All fields are in ‘plain text’ format, with no formulas or filters
- All the award import codes in the file match the award types you have created in Reward Manager
Read the instructions below and watch the video to see how to upload an award file:
- Select Upload File in your On The Spot program
- Select your file from your computer and select Upload
- You will now see a list of columns included in the file you've chosen. You will need to match them to the fields the system expects in order to create the awards (Nomination Detail, Nominator Name, and Award Type). Once you've completed the mapping, select Next.
- The system will assess your file and highlight any errors that need correcting before moving forward.
- If there are no errors or missing data, you will be able to select Continue with Upload to complete the upload, and a success message will appear.
What are the errors that may occur during the upload?
Once you have selected a file to upload, the system will assess it to make sure all data is valid. Here are some of the errors it might highlight if the file is not in the correct format:
- Your file is not in one of the supported formats
- One or more of the required fields (listed at the start of this article) are not included in the file
- There are blank cells in the file
- One or more of the award import codes in the file do not match the award types that are set up on the program
If one or more errors are flagged during the upload process, you will need to correct them in your original file, and start the upload again with a new version of the file where the incorrect or missing data has been updated.
What happens once an award file is uploaded?
At the end of your file upload, you will need to select Continue to dispatch the awards button at the bottom right side of the success message:
The button will lead straight to a page that lists all award batches in the program (the page is described in this guide (On The Spot Recognition | How to: manage your program)). This is the page you should head to if you want to send out the awards you've created, as you can see in the video below. Read the guide to managing your program to see what other actions you can take on this page.
To learn about the receiving experience for employees awarded through On The Spot Recognition, take a look at this article (On The Spot Recognition | How to: Redeem Awards).