Increasing the visibility of the every-day recognition that is going on within an organization is imperative to making it meaningful, as well as a way to encourage more recognition activity from employees.
Reward Gateway offer a number of integrations with external software, in order to:
- Enable clients to share recognition moments on the systems they already use internally
- Allow employees to send recognition to colleagues through these same tools, as an alternative to logging in to their employee engagement platform
A list of available integrations is below, including links to the how-to guides clients can access in order to understand how to set them up.
Sending recognition
Clients can seamlessly integrate with external software to enable employees to send recognition outside the Reward Gateway website. Available integrations include:
Microsoft Teams (also see installation guide)
- NOTE: the Microsoft Teams integration requires clients to have the Social Wall enabled on their platform. Clients who do not have this feature enabled will not be able to send recognition through Microsoft Teams.
- Outlook
Sharing recognition
Clients can seamlessly integrate with external software to share their Reward Gateway recognition content automatically. Available integrations include:
- Slack
- Microsoft Teams (also see installation guide)
- Yapster
- Yammer
Clients can generate public web feeds for displaying their content held on Reward Gateway elsewhere. For example, they can generate a web feed of the Social Wall, in order to display social recognition moments in different ways:
Web Feed Readers (e.g.,, etc.)
- Embed feeds on any public website (Intranets)
Feed Readers on Browser (Browser extensions to read feed content)
TVs (Most Smart TVs support reading feed content directly)
Read the guide to integrating web feeds for content for more information about the implementation.