It's really easy for clients to move their Childcare Voucher (CCV) scheme from another provider to RG Childcare. The ability to transfer CCV schemes from one provider to another is unaffected by the 2018 tax changes, meaning our clients will be able to change providers at any time.
Transferring to RG is really simple, but there are certain details we need in advance. We plan our transfers around the date that the employer would like their employees to receive their first Childcare Voucher payment from Reward Gateway.
RG Childcare accounts are processed through our Reward Manager system, using our Migrating Accounts tool. This allows us to securely register the details of parents and create their RG Childcare account ready to start receiving contributions.
There are three stages to the transfer process:
Stage 1: Agreeing dates and numbers
First and foremost, the transfer and start dates need to be agreed between the client and the RG team. They'll also need to discuss with us the number of employees due to transfer to RG Childcare, and decide which month these employees will receive their first voucher payment.
To make this as simple as possible, we provide the client with two documents that they need to complete and return to our Client Support or Implementation teams. The first is the Payroll Date Sheet, which establishes the monthly schedule that they would like us to stick to. The other document, the CCV Transfer filet, asks for all the information we need to create the employee accounts.
We will also discuss our Auto-Approve Childcare Voucher technology with the client. This completely removes all administration from the product and makes it entirely automatic.
During this time, we ask that the client to let their employees know that they will be changing providers and that we'll contact them soon to collect any additional information we might need.
Stage 2: Account creation and data transfer
During Stage 2, we’ll create accounts for each of the employees using the information supplied on the CCV Transfer file.
Once we’ve created the accounts we’ll reach out to employees and let them know that they’ll need to complete a couple of small tasks in order to finalise the process. We will always seek approval on content from the client before sending this to employees.
Whilst we always endeavour to make the process of transferring to RG Childcare as quick as possible, the time taken will be determined by the number of employees being transferred. Please allow sufficient time for the setup based on these guidelines:
0 - 25 transferees: 2 - 3 weeks
26 -50 transferees: 2 - 6 weeks
51 -100 transferees: 3 - 8 weeks
100+ transferees: 6 - 10 weeks