Employees are free to use the Instant Vouchers they purchase at a discount at any time and at any frequency they choose. This means there'll be times when employees have money left to spend on their Instant Vouchers. It's not always easy to remember how much money is left on which voucher – especially when there are so many retailers offering a discount – so we're committed to giving employees as much visibility on their Instant Voucher balance as possible, and making sure they're always getting the biggest savings when they shop.
Ways to check the balance on an Instant Voucher
There are many ways to check and keep track of the balance on Instant Vouchers, which all depend on the level of technology that particular retailer has:
- External link – A link to the retailer's website where employees can use the voucher's code and/or PIN to instantly see the balance.
- Automatic balance checker (API integrated) – The balance is pulled through automatically from the retailer's servers to display the balance next to the voucher.
- Telephone – Employees can call a number operated by the retailer to get the voucher's balance. This is only when there is no external link or API integration offered by the retailer.
- Make a note – In the unfortunate instance where the retailer doesn't provide a direct API, external link, or a phone number to call – we're working closely with retailers to have this as the standard – employees can make a note on the app of their remaining balance and track the balance on their own if they wish to.
- No balance checker – As some of the retailers have single-use vouchers – such as cinema tickets – it doesn't make sense to track the balance.