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Updating the Cycle to Work system email in Reward Manager.
All system emails sit in Reward Manager under System > System Email Templates
All System email templates are editable, helping you get the content inline with the program's tone of voice.
To make the content more relevant and personalised we encourage the use of dynamic tags, e.g. {Scheme_Name}, {Recipient_Name}
The logos and program name on the screenshots below are examples. Each platform's system emails will show the relevant program name and logos.
The preview of the emails in Reward Manager and the final email received by employees are currently not in sync visually. To see the final email visual please send a test email to yourself.
1. Action – Cycle to Work refund request
Status: In Use
Recipient: Administrators
Title: You’ve received a Cycle to Work refund request
Copy: Hi, {NAME}.
You have a pending refund request for Cycle to Work.
Please, approve or reject the application here.
Best wishes,
Cycle to Work Team.
Button CTA: No Button
Frequency: when there are pending Refund Requests
2. Confirmed – Your Cycle to Work refund has been processed
Status: In Use
Recipient: Employee
Title: Your Cycle to Work refund has been processed
Copy: Hi, {NAME}.
We’re happy to let you know that the Cycle to Work refund you requested has now been processed. We’re always here if you change your mind.
Best wishes,
Cycle to Work Team.
Button CTA: No Button
Frequency: when an employer approves a Refund Request for CTW
3. CTW - Approved application
Status: In Use
Recipient: Employee
Title: Your Cycle to Work application is approved
Copy: Dear {NAME},
Great news, your application for a £{REQUEST_VALUE} Letter of Collection from boom! has already been approved!
Your employer has approved your application and it is now being processed. As soon as it has been processed, we'll dispatch your Letter of Collection and it will be available to download from boom!.
To track the progress of your order please here.
Best regards!
RG Cycle to Work Team
Button CTA: No Button
Frequency: when a CTW order is approved
4. CTW - Cancelled application
Status: In Use
Recipient: Employee
Title: Your Cycle to Work application has been cancelled
Copy: Dear {NAME},
You have requested to cancel your Cycle to Work order and we're able to confirm that it has been cancelled.
If you'd like to order again please click here to go straight to the Cycle to Work home page.
Best regards!
RG Cycle to Work Team
Button CTA: No Button
Frequency: When a CTW order is successfully cancelled
5. CTW - Dispatched application
Status: In Use
Recipient: Employee
Title: Your Cycle to Work Letter of Collection is already available!
Copy: Dear {NAME},
Your Cycle to Work Letter of Collection is already available!
Your Letter of Collection for Cycle to Work has been processed and is now available to download from boom!. Once you've downloaded it please read it carefully and follow the instructions in order to redeem your new wheels.
You can download your Letter of Collection here.
Happy cycling!
RG Cycle to Work Team
Button CTA: No Button
Frequency: LOC is ready to download
6. CTW - Employees reached end of hire (Managed extended hire)
Status: In Use
Title: Your Cycle to Work Hire Agreement is almost complete!
Copy: Hi {NAME},
Good news! You’re approaching the end of your Cycle to Work Hire Agreement. This means you’ll need to choose an option to transfer the ownership of the bike from your employer to you. They are:
Extending the hire period for 4-5 years – depending on the bike’s value.
Returning the bike with it being donated to charity.
Purchasing the bike for a small percentage of its original value.
You’ll be contacted by Halfords soon to confirm your choice. We recommend the first option as there will be no extra costs for you – and then the bike is yours forever! To do this, we will share your email address so that Halfords can administer Managed Extended Hire. They will manage this in accordance with their Privacy Policy which you can read here www.cycle2work.info/privacy. Managed Extended Hire is necessary at the end of your Hire Agreement due to HMRC guidelines. If you do not want your email shared, please contact your employer so they can remove you from this list and organise an alternative arrangement.
Remember, as soon as your Hire Agreement is complete, you can re-apply to get another bike or any equipment you need.
Best wishes,
boom! Team.
Button CTA: No Button
Frequency: when an employee is reaching the end of their Hire Agreement
7. CTW - End of hire reached
Status: In Use
Recipient: Administrator
Title: Employees reaching end of hire
Copy: Hi {NAME},
We are contacting you with regards to your Cycle to Work scheme with us. We would like to remind you that you could download the list of employees reaching end of hire.
You can access the list of employees reaching end of hire for the upcoming month or any period you choose here
If you have already sorted this out, that's great, but if you have not, please, do not hesitate to let us know if you need any advice on how to proceed.
Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Best regards,
RG Cycle to Work Team
Button CTA: No Button
Frequency: when employee's are reaching the end of their Hire Agreements
8. CTW - Pending application
Status: In Use
Recipient: Employee
Title: Your Cycle to Work application is received
Copy: Dear {NAME},
Thank you for your application for a £{REQUEST_VALUE} Letter of Collection from boom!.
Your employer will check your application shortly. As soon as your application has been approved, We'll begin dispatching your Letter of Collection as soon as possible.
To view and check the status of your order please click here.
Button CTA: No Button
Frequency: when an employee submits a CTW application
9. CTW - Rejected application - please note there are multiple rejection reasons for this template and the employer will choose this during their review
Status: In Use
Recipient: Employee
Title: Your Cycle to Work application is rejected
Copy: Dear {NAME},
I'm afraid your application for £{REQUEST_VALUE} Letter of Collection from boom! has been rejected.
'Below NMW/NLW' - The reason is it will take you below your employer's minimum wage requirement. Please contact your employer for further details.
As an alternative, you can save 10% on all things at Halfords using an Instant Voucher
'Leaver' - The reason for that is you are leaving the company soon. May you have questions, please, contact your employer.
'Other' - The reason for that is [CUSTOM_REASON]. Please contact your employer for further details.
Button CTA: No Button
Frequency: when an employee's application is rejected
10. CTW - Subscribe
Status: In Use
Recipient: Employee
Title: Cycle to Work window is open
Copy: Hi {NAME},
We are pleased to inform you that the {PRODUCT_NAME} window is already open.
It's cycling time! The window for the boom! {PRODUCT_NAME} is open now, so don't delay click the link below:
Get your bike and equipment now
Button CTA: No Button
Frequency: when an employee has subscribed to receive CTW updates
11. It’s time to trigger the Transfer of Ownership
Status: In Use
Recipient: Administrator
Title: Employees are reaching the end of their Cycle to Work Hire Agreements
Copy: Hi, {NAME}.
You’ve got employees who are reaching the end of their Cycle to Work Hire Agreements.
Now it’s over to you. Please, trigger the Transfer of Ownership by logging into Reward Manager and confirming that they’re eligible to extend their Hire Agreement.
You’ll also need to raise and invoice for each Agreement you’re planning to transfer. You’ll find the details for this in the Managed Extended Hire tab in SmartPay. The invoice should be for £1 plus VAT for each Agreement to Reward Gateway, it also must include the reference number generated by Reward Gateway. Please send the invoice to: accountspayable@rewardgateway.com
Best wishes,
The RG Cycle to Work Team.
Button CTA: No Button
Frequency: at the beginning of every month where an employee/s have reached the end of their Hire Agreements
12. Received – You Cycle to Work refund is awaiting approval
Status: In Use
Recipient: Employee
Title: Your Cycle to Work refund is waiting to be approved
Copy: While you wait, did you know that cycling improves your overall health as well as lowering your blood pressure and improving coordination?
Hi, {NAME}.
We’ve received your refund request for your Cycle to Work application.
It’s been sent to your employer for approval and we’ll keep you updated on their decision.
Best wishes,
Cycle to Work Team
Button CTA: No Button
Frequency: When an employee requests a refund for the CTW order
13. Sorry – Your Cycle to Work refund request has been rejected
Status: In Use
Recipient: Employee
Title: We’re sorry
Copy: Hi, {NAME}.
We’re really sorry to say that your request to cancel your Cycle to Work order and receive a refund has been rejected for the following reason:
We understand you might have questions about this so please, don’t hesitate to get in touch with the Employee Support Helpdesk.
Best wishes,
Cycle to Work Team.
Button CTA: No Button
Frequency: In the event a CTW refund request was rejected
14. Your Letter of Collection is expiring soon
Status: In Use
Recipient: Employee
Title: Your Letter of Collection is expiring soon
Copy: Hi {NAME},
We noticed that you haven’t picked up your bike yet, after signing up to Cycle to Work!
Our Letters of Collection (LoC) have a four-month expiry on them. That means that your LoC will expire on {EXPIRE_DATE}
We wouldn’t want you to miss out on your new bike and a healthier commute, so make sure you use your LoC before {EXPIRE_DATE}
Click here to find your nearest retailer.
If you have recently redeemed your Letter of Collection from and independent bike shop, you can ignore this notification.
Thank you.
Button CTA: No Button
Frequency: One month before an LOC is due to expire
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