This article sets out all of the automated emails that are sent to employees via the SmartTech™ system, dependant on their interaction with the SmartTech™ benefit.
All system email templates can also be found in Reward Manager under System » System Email Templates
Editing the system emails
- All system email templates are editable, so that clients can make the language consistent with the rest of their programme.
- To make the content more relevant and personalised to each employee, we encourage the use of dynamic tags, e.g. {Scheme_Name}, {CLIENT_NAME}
- Please note, the preview of the emails in Reward Manager and the final email received by employees are currently not in sync visually. To preview how the final email will look, we recommend that the client sends a test email to themselves.
Reminder for an unused voucher
Status: In Use
Title: Everything OK? You ordered on SmartTech™ and haven't used your voucher
Dear {NAME},
Looks like You've not used your SmartTech voucher? Why not click below and use it today?
Redeem your voucher
The SmartTech team
Frequency: 3 months after voucher purchase
Incomplete order feedback - SmartTech™ survey
Status: Not in use
Title: What do you think about SmartTech?
Hi {NAME},
We're sorry you didn't complete your SmartTech order, we'd love to know why so we can see what we need to improve on.
Click the link below
Thank you for taking the time to read this email and if you do, provide us with your feedback, we read every one and try to make SmartTech better every day.
The SmartTech Team.
Frequency: 6 months after items are put in basket and order isn't completed
Application approved, eGift card ready to use
Status: In use
Title: eGift Card Redeem
Dear {NAME},
Great news!
Your order for the below items has been approved by your HR Department.
All you need to do now is log on to {SCHEME_NAME} to redeem your eGift Card.
It couldn’t be simpler, just log on, head over to SmartTech™ and click on order history, from there you’ll be able to redeem your eGift Card.
If you’ve got any questions please go to the Help and Support section of the website and submit an enquiry.
Button CTA: Redeem eGift Card
Frequency: Once an application is approved, voucher dispatched and eGift card can be used
Order Cancelled
Status: Not in Use
Title: Order Cancelled
Hi, {NAME},
We’re sorry but your order has been cancelled.
Please, get in touch with the HR Team as soon as possible.
You can also speak with the Helpdesk through the Help and Support section of the website. They’re on hand 24/7 to answer your questions.
Best wishes,
Button CTA: N/A
Frequency: When order is cancelled
Order Confirmation
Status: In use
Title: Order Confirmation
Dear {NAME},
Thanks for your order with {SCHEME_NAME} on {DATE}.
Your reference is {ORDER_REFERENCE}.
Once your request has been confirmed, we will be in touch with details on how to redeem your order with Currys.
If you’ve got any questions please go to the Help and Support section of the website and submit an enquiry.
Thanks, {SCHEME_NAME} team
Frequency: When the user submits an application
Order Refund (sent to employee)
Status: In use
Title: Your SmartTech™ refund is processed
Dear {NAME},
We can successfully confirm that the {PRODUCT_NAME} refund you requested on {REQUEST_DATE} has been processed.
Best regards,
Button CTA: N/A
Frequency: When refund is processed
Order Refund (sent to administrators)
Status: In use
Title: SmartTech™ Refund Processed
{NAME} requested a {PRODUCT_NAME} refund on {REQUEST_DATE} for their {PRODUCT_NAME} application from {APPLICATION_DATE}. We can confirm that this request has been processed.
If a deduction has already been made you will need to arrange this between you and your employee. The refunded order will appear with a status "Cancelled" in the next deduction report. If there has not been any deductions yet the user will not appear on your next deduction report and therefore no further action will be required.
Best regards,
Button CTA: N/A
Frequency: When refund is processed
Order rejected - leaving
Status: In use
Title: Order rejected - leaving
Dear {NAME},
We are sorry to inform you that your order has been rejected due to you oncoming leave.
We’re really sorry but your HR department has rejected your order.
This is because you will be leaving {CLIENT_NAME} soon, if you have any questions please go to the Help and Support section of the website and submit an enquiry.
Button CTA: N/A
Frequency: When order is rejected
Order Rejected-NMW
Status: In use
Title: Order Rejected-NMW
Dear {NAME},
We are sorry to inform you that your order has been rejected.
We’re really sorry but your HR department has rejected your order.
This is because it will take you below the National Minimum Wage, if you have any questions please go to the Help and Support section of the website and submit an enquiry.
Button CTA: N/A
Frequency: When order is rejected
Order rejected - other
Status: In use
Title: Order rejected - other
Dear {NAME},
We are sorry to inform you that you order has been rejected.
We’re really sorry but your HR department has rejected your order.
If you have any questions please go to the Help and Support section of the website and submit an enquiry.
Button CTA:
Frequency: When order is rejected
Basket Reminder
Status: In use
Title: Don't forget about SmartTech™
Dear {NAME},
Looks like You've left something in your basket, why not have a look at below and complete your order?
Button CTA: Go to basket
Frequency: One day after an item is added two basket; three days after the first reminder; one day prior to application window closure
Rejected refund request
Status: In use
Title: Your SmartTech refund request has been rejected
Dear {NAME},
You refund request for {PRODUCT_NAME} eGift Card has been rejected.
The {PRODUCT_NAME} refund request you made on {REQUEST_DATE} has been rejected.
For further information please contact the Employee Helpdesk.
Best regards,
Button CTA: N/A
Frequency: When refund request is rejected
Open application window notification
Status: In use
Title: Subscribe
Hi {NAME},
We are pleased to inform you that the {PRODUCT_NAME} window is already open.
Great news! The {PRODUCT_NAME} window is now open, you can head over to {SCHEME_NAME} to choose from thousands of great technology products by clicking the link below.
Frequency: When application window is open (for subscribed employees).