Give your people the gift of affordable technology and white goods.
What is SmartTech™?
SmartTech™ is a net salary deduction benefit that offers your employees instant access to free financing on great technology and white goods products.
How does SmartTech™ work?
Things to consider when setting up SmartTech™
At what times of the year will you give employees the ability to apply?
- Should employees be able to apply all year round?
- If not, how many windows will you run, and what will the dates be?
- Would you like to offer SmartTech™ to all employees, or specific groups?
How would you like to manage repayments and allowances?
- How many months would you like to spread monthly repayments over? The repayment period options for SmartTech are 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 18, 24, 36 and 48 months. You can choose one or more of these options, all of which will be presented to the employee to select from
You can set different spend allowances for different employees, to ensure orders remain affordable
You can define a minimum order amount for each application
You can set a limit for the number of orders each employee is paying back at any given time. Employees who reach it will not be able to order again until they have repaid at least one previous application in full
How would you like to process applications?
Pre-approval - you will need to supply additional information in your eligibility file to allow our system to perform eligibility checks. If you have a Direct Debit set up with RG, employees will be able to receive their voucher instantly after placing their order
Post-approval - an administrator will need to manually review applications. If you have a Direct Debit set up, employees will receive their vouchers instantly after approval; otherwise, vouchers will be dispatched once we have received payment for the window’s orders
How would you like to pay for the orders placed during each window?
Would you like us to bill you weekly or monthly?
Do you have any special payment terms? (e.g. do you clear invoices within a set period of time after receiving them)
We recommend setting up a Direct Debit, so payments to RG are automated, and we can dispatch vouchers instantly (on pre-approval)
If you choose not to set up a Direct Debit, we will invoice you at the end of each window, and dispatch all vouchers after receiving payment
Who will manage your SmartTech™ program on SmartPay™?
- Master Approver - can access payroll information, application details, and product configuration settings for all benefits set up on SmartPay™
- Payroll Approver - can access all payrolls set up on SmartPay™
- Product Approver - can manage SmartTech™ configuration settings
Would you like to block any brands or product categories?
How many payrolls are there in your business?
For each we will need:
- Name (e.g. Monthly) - required to assign users to the correct payrolls
- Frequency (monthly, weekly, fortnightly, four weekly)
- Pay Day to set up in the system (i.e. date employees are paid)
- Cut-off Date (i.e. date the first deduction report will be available)
- Approver - one or more users to manage applications in each payroll
- Who will manage your SmartTech™ program on SmartPay™?
Master Approver - can access payroll information, application details, and product configuration settings for all benefits set up on SmartPay™:
- Payroll Approver - can access all payrolls set up on SmartPay™
- Product Approver - can manage SmartTech™ configuration settings
Additional information for your eligibility file
- Payroll name - required for each employee
- Date of birth - required on Pre-Approval (if not provided, the system will assume the employee is over 18 and auto-approve their application)
- SmartPay™ Limit - required only if you are setting a maximum allowance for the total amount of each employee’s RG benefit applications e.g. Cycle to Work and SmartTech™
- SmartTech™ Limit - required only if you are setting a maximum allowance for each employee’s SmartTech™ orders