Name | Description | Menu options | Sub-menu options | Role sees | Role edits |
2FA Access Administrator | User will be able to unlock 2FA failed attempts locked accounts. Does not give access to 2FA dashboard/tasks. Functionality was previously available for users with 2FA Administrator role and either one of the following: Permissions Manager, Account Manager, Help Desk Supervisor. | Members | Task Manager >> Multi-factor Authentication Unlock Requests | Ability to unlock 2FA locked accounts | - |
2FA Administrator | Ability to reset Two-Factor Authentication setups. Gives access to a list of all users containing names, payroll numbers and 2FA setup types. | Members | Task Manager >> Multi-factor Authentication Reset Requests | Ability to reset 2FA accounts | - |
2FA Support Administrator | User will be primary 2FA contact for the client. Must have Permissions Manager role. | Members | Task Manager >> Multi-factor Authentication Unlock Requests | Ability to unlock 2FA locked accounts | - |
Employee Surveys Administrator |
Ability to manage Employee Surveys product for own programmes
Role cannot be assigned in combination with Employee Surveys Report Viewer. |
Smart Products | Employee Surveys | All surveys | Ability to create, amend and see reports for all surveys |
Employee Surveys Editor | Ability to create new surveys, manage only their own surveys | Smart Products | Employee Surveys | All surveys created by this user only | Access to view and edit surveys on a programme only if they are the creator of that survey. Can view reports only for the surveys they have created. Can create new surveys. |
Employee Surveys Report Viewer |
Read-only access - view surveys and their reports
Role cannot be assigned in combination with Employee Surveys Administrator. |
Smart Products | Employee Surveys | All surveys | This role is considered a read-only role. A user with this role can view all surveys and view reporting for all surveys on a programme. Report Viewers are unable to create, edit, or delete reports from within the system. |
FAQ Administrator | Ability to manage FAQs | FAQ Management | All programme FAQs | Ability to create, amend and see programme FAQs | |
File Sender | Ability to Send Secure Files | File Manager | Access to the File Manager tab in Reward Manager | Ability to Send Secure Files. The user has access to the File Manager tab in Reward Manager and can send secure file to their engagement manager, the client support team, the implementation team Can view history of uploaded files, including description and log and can download or forward |
Generic File Receiver | Ability to receive Secure Files | File Manager | Access to the File Manager tab in Reward Manager | Ability to receive Secure Files. The user has access to the File Manager tab in Reward Manager and can download files that have been sent to them via File Manager Can view history of uploaded files, including description and log and can download or forward |
IT Administrator |
Ability to manage all Integration options.
Role cannot be assigned in combination with IT Administrator (Read-Only). |
Integrations | All integrations setup | Ability to add, amend or disable all integrations | |
IT Administrator (Read-Only) |
User will have read-only access to dashboards.
Role cannot be assigned in combination with IT Administrator. |
Integrations | All integrations setup | Read-only role | |
Member Access Control Administrator
Ability to manage access to the programme. (Import Members, Add Members and Edit Member Information etc)
Browse Members
Depending on the programme registration criteria and setup the Browse member page may contain the following data: RG ID, UUID, Names, Date of Birth, Start Date, Membership Number, Registered date, Last Login, Membership Status, Two-factor Setup Type, Answers to Registration questions and Enterprise Fields | Can export the membership list. Can assign roles. Roles assigned are subject to Permissions Manager approval with the below exceptions: If a Member Access Control Administrator who also has the Permissions Manager role assigns a role to a member the role will be indeed without Permissions Manager approval If the user to whom the role is assigned is a Permission Manager, the new roles will be added without Permissions Manager approval Member Access Control Administrators can remove access roles without Permissions Manager approval If a Member Access Control Administrator also has the Programme Security Administrator role, they can send password reset instructions to specific members. |
Depending on the programme registration criteria and setup when Editing individual accounts in the Browse Members page the following data may be included in addition to the above: Email Address, Address, Home and Mobile Phone number, Timezone, Birthday and eCard preferences *, SAML IDs, SmartPay data, License Country, R&R nomination Approvers) | Can edit member details except RG ID, UUID,Names, Registered date, Last Login, Membership Status, Two-factor Setup Type | ||||
- | Add Members | Can add new members manually if the scheme allows | |||
Update Membership list
Membership upload templates | Can upload eligibility files to add new members, remove leavers or update existing accounts Can set-up new templates, change configuration of existing templates or delete templates |
Membership upload history for each template including Update Date, Type, Upload Type, Upload Status, Members After, Licences After, Updated By, Warnings | Can export a list of warnings for each upload | ||||
Send welcome emails - History of Batches of welcome emails including batch name, Created by, Number of members in the batch, Status | Can Issue or cancel batches, if they are not already issued or suspended | ||||
- | Membership Update History | History of updates processed via Membership upload or SFTP - includes Update Date, Type, Upload Type, Upload Status, Members After, Licences After, Updated By, Warnings | Can export a list of warnings for each upload | ||
- | Task Manager | The user can view and manage deactivation requests and subject access requests. If the user also has the 2FA Access Administrator role, they will have access to Multi-factor Authentication Reset Requests in task manager | The user can view and manage deactivation requests and subject access requests. If the user also has the 2FA Access Administrator role, they will have access to Multi-factor Authentication Reset Requests in task manager | ||
- | Member opt-outs | Can check if a unique identifier is in the opt-out list. | Can add or remove numbers to/from the opt-out list | ||
Member Query Administrator
Ability to manage Queued Queries. (Will receive notifications when there are queued registrations)
Members | Pending registrations | Can see all unactioned registration requests | Can approve or reject registration requests, Can edit details before approving |
- | Closed account queries | Can view and manage closed account queries | Can view and manage closed account queries | ||
Permissions Manager | Ability to manage access to Reward Manager | - | - | Governs other roles. | Allows the member to approve/deny reward manager access requests. Whenever a reward manager role is assigned to a member, all eligible permission managers from the scheme will receive an email notification prompting them to approve or deny the access request. If the request is not actioned, it will automatically expire after 7 days. |
Private Medical Insurance Administrator | Ability to manage all functionality on Private Medical Insurance | Not in use | |||
Programme Security Administrator
Ability to manage security settings of a programme.
Basic settings - Can manage the basic security settings of the scheme. If the user also has a Member Access Control Administrator role, they will be able to export a list of administrators including Membership number, Names, RG ID, Roles |
Can manage the basic security settings of the scheme. | |
Password Settings - Can manage password policies of the scheme. If the user also has a Member Access Control Administrator role, they will be able to send password reset instructions to members |
Can manage password policies of the scheme. | ||||
Login Challenges - Can manage additional login challenges for security purposes If the user also has the 2FA Administrator role, they will be able to manage the 2FA settings of the scheme. They will be able to see a list of all members including First Name, Last Name, Employee ID, Two-factor Site Type, Two-factor Setup Type and will also be able to reset their 2F |
Can manage additional login challenges for security purposes If the user also has the 2FA Administrator role, they will be able to manage the 2FA settings of the scheme |
Security and Privacy Resources - Can access information about privacy and security on the platform. | - | ||||
Audit - Can view audit logs on the program - Can see a list of events including Successful Login, Failed Login, Username has been changed, Password reset Entry success, Password change, Username Change, Captcha failed, Role has been added, Role has been removed. The list contains details on Date and time, IP address, Member, Done by admin, and can be filtered by date range or member. | - | ||||
RR Budget Holder |
Main RR Budget Holder
Role cannot be assigned in combination with Reward Recognition Scheme Administrator. |
Reward & Recognition | Administer | Upload recognition via AwardFilePlus, On the Spot and Scheduled Recognition Administer/manage InstantAwards™; Nominations; AwardFilePlus, Bulk Schedule Manage Credit Request for the R&R platform and individual programs |
Can create/edit/remove awards and recognition moments; can dispatch already uploaded awards; request and transfer credit |
Instant Awards Owner
The role is assigned via the Instant Awards Program
Instant awards
Send Award | Send awards to employees | - |
Transaction History | Can review Instant Awards Order History and individual orders' details | Can download receipt and separate awards within an order | |||
Card Management | Can review saved payment cards | Can add/edit/remove payment cards | |||
Manage Award Pots | Can see all created sub-pots | Can edit each individual sub-pot Can adjust pot's balance Can request funds Can delete pots Can edit pots, their owners and budgets in bulk via File Upload |
View Fund Requests | Review Fund requests | Can approve or reject any requests for additional award funds that have been made recently. If a request is approved, the money will be credited to that pot immediately. If rejected, please provide a reason and the requester will be notified. |
Award History | Can see all awards sent, the recipient, status, value, sender, award code and date sent | Can download each individual award | |||
RR Rules Admin | Role to allow clients the ability to administer R&R Rules | Reward & Recognition | Administer | Upload recognition via AwardFilePlus, On the Spot and Scheduled Recognition Administer/manage InstantAwards™; Nominations; AwardFilePlus, Bulk Schedule Manage Budgets |
Create and edit budgets for Nominations and Instant Awards |
Reports Viewer | Ability to view Reports and Statistics | SmartProducts | Smartinsights -> Reporting | Can see R-reports | Can download R-reports |
Retail Restricted Administrator | Ability to manage retailers on the programme. | Retailers & Offers | Manage | This page allows clients to browse the retailers that are available on their scheme and lets them view their offers and details. | Can view each retailer on the scheme and hide them or downgrade to limited visibility Hide: The retailer will not be visible anywhere on the scheme - platform, app, emails Limited Visibility: The retailer will show only when searched in the search bar; it will not show on banners, on emails |
Reward Marketplace Administrator | Role to allow clients the ability to administer Reward Marketplace | Front End Access | Front End Access | Sees edit and manage options on the Reward Marketplace | Can edit category images Can manage Custom Reward Sections Can Add new Custom Rewards Can action Custom Reward Orders |
Reward Recognition Approver | Ability to approve reward recognition nominations | Reward & Recognition | View Nominations | Can see all nomination programmes and action awards within each one. Can see nominator's and nominee's names; award type and nomination's issue date Can see nomination history (as above including who has actioned the award) |
In 'New': Can edit award type, approve and reject nominations Can actions nominations in bulk (by selecting multiple) Can export nominations In 'Nomination History': Can export nominations |
Reward Recognition Nominations Budget Administrator | Ability to configure budgets within the AwardNominator™ product. | given along with RR Budget Holder | Upload recognition via AwardFilePlus, On the Spot and Scheduled Recognition Administer/manage InstantAwards™; Nominations; AwardFilePlus, Bulk Schedule |
Additional 'Manage Budgets' tile within a programme | |
Reward Recognition Scheme Administrator |
This allows a member to be assigned the role and then also assigned to a client's individual R&R Scheme (Currently only Award File Plus Schemes) in Reward Manager. Once added to the clients R&R Scheme they can administer that Scheme only. Members can be added to multiple client R&R Schemes as administrators.
Role cannot be assigned in combination with RR Budget Holder. |
Reward & Recognition | Administer | Upload recognition via AwardFilePlus, On the Spot and Scheduled Recognition Administer/manage InstantAwards™; Nominations; AwardFilePlus, Bulk Schedule, Communications |
Can create/edit/remove awards and recognition moments; can dispatch already uploaded awards; Can access communication tab; Only for Schemes they have been assigned to as an Administrator |
Reward Recognition Super Approver | Ability to manage reward recognition nominations across all programmes | Reward & Recognition | View Nominations | - | In 'New': Can edit award type, approve and reject nominations Can actions nominations in bulk (by selecting multiple) Can export nominations In 'Nomination History': Can export nominations |
SP Holiday Trading Line Manager
Automatically assigned when one is assigned Line manager of a member. Line managers can approve, reject and amend HT applications of the member they're line manager of.
SmartPay | Administer | Can see the application's dashboard | Has access to all functionalities within the dashboard (filter, search, export, reject, approve, action in bulk) |
Holiday Calendar | Can see Holiday Calendar by locale | Can configure the public holiday dates by each location Reward Gateway is available in. Add dates that are recognised public holidays in each locale, eg. Good Friday and Easter Monday in the UK. Please note this will affect functions such as the setting up of Payroll Dates in SmartPayTM. | |||
SSO Administrator | Ability to manage Self-Service SSO | Integrations | N/A | Full visibility to the integrations dashboard with all available integrations we offer | Can create new integrations Can configure already enabled integrations Can disable Can run debug mode/troubleshoot Can schedule rollovers Can hide integration Can delete |
Segments Admin | Ability to manage all aspects of segment manager (create, edit, delete and view). | Smart Products | Segments Manager |
Can see all existing segments and their rules Requires Member Access Control Administrator role to see members in segment |
Can create new segment groups with different rules, edit ones already created, as well as see which content they’re assigned to. |
Segments Viewer | Ability to create and view segments in Segment Manager | Smart Products | Segments Manager |
Can see all existing segments and their rules Requires Member Access Control Administrator role to see members in segment |
Can create new segment groups with different rules No Edit access for existing segments |
Smart Hub Administrator | Ability to manage all aspects of Smart Hub | Smart Products | SmartHub --> Manage | Can see all existing layouts no matter if live or 'under construction' | Can Preview home layout Can Create new layout Can Edit existing layouts no matter of status Can set existing layouts as Live/Hidden Can Duplicate layouts Can set layouts as HomePage Can schedule when to go live from the schedule |
SmartPage Administrator | Ability to manage all aspects of Smart Page | Smart Products | SmartHub® Pages | Can see all existing SmartPages no matter if live or not | Can create new Page Can turn on/off existing pages Can edit Pages' titles Can edit the Page altogether Can edit Pages' tags Can delete Pages |
SmartPay Childcare Administrator |
Ability to administer functions such as earnings assessments or childcare account migration in SmartPay Childcare.
Role can be assigned in relevant SmartPay section only. |
SPChildcare | Administer | Ability to administer functions such as earnings assessments or childcare account migration in SmartPay Childcare. Gives access to a separate tab in RM from SmartPay where the BEA is being processed. Works only if the person has also SmartPay Payroll Administrator role. |
Can view and download BEA for the payrolls the person is assigned for. |
SmartPay Direct Debit Administrator | To be given to Clients. Provides the ability to add, change and amend Direct Debit limit. | SmartPay | Administer | Provides the ability to add, change and amend Direct Debit limit. | |
SmartPay Master Administrator
To be given to Clients. Provides overall SmartPay administrative rights.
Role can be assigned in relevant SmartPay section only.
SmartPay Dashboard | Can see and action all tasks |
Payroll Management | Can create, edit or delete any payroll within SmartPay Can assign payroll administrators |
Members data | Can add, edit members data | ||||
Product Configurations | Can edit any product's configurations Can assign product administrators |
Windows Management | Can see and action all products windows | ||||
Applications | Can action on all applications across all payrolls and products | ||||
Invoicing | Can see all invoices including a breakdown by product or application | ||||
Reporting | Access to all reports available | ||||
Holiday Calendar | You can see the UK public holiday dates | - | |||
SmartPay Payroll Administrator
To be given to Clients. Provides rights over payroll administration.
Role can be assigned in relevant SmartPay section only.
SmartPay Dashboard | Can see and action payroll-related tasks |
Payroll Management | Can add new payrolls, edit, delete payrolls, they're an "approver" for and can access deduction reporting | ||||
Members data | Can access member's data | ||||
Product Configuration | Cannot edit or view product details | ||||
Window Management | Has read-only right to view open windows but cannot edit, open or close windows | ||||
Applications | Has access to and can action applications for members from payrolls they're an approver for | ||||
Invoicing | No access | ||||
Reporting | No access | ||||
Holiday Calendar | You can see the UK public holiday dates | - | |||
SmartPay Product Administrator
To be given to Clients. Provides rights over product-related functionality.
Role can be assigned in relevant SmartPay section only.
SmartPay Dashboard | Can see and action product-related tasks |
Payroll Management | Has read-only permission. No access to the deduction report | ||||
Members data | No access | ||||
Product Configuration | Can edit product details for the product they're an approver for | ||||
Window Management | Can manage windows for the product they're an approver for | ||||
Applications | Has access to and can action applications for products they're an approver for | ||||
Invoicing | No access | ||||
Reporting | No access | ||||
Holiday Calendar | You can see the UK public holiday dates | - | |||
SmartPress Administrator | Ability to add, edit & remove blogs on a scheme & delete blog post comments. | FE Access | - | Can see all blogs on FE Can see all admins/bloggers for a blog |
Can edit articles within blogs |
SmartPress Article Writer | Ability to add, edit & remove articles in existing blogs. | FE Access | - | - | Can create, edit and delete blogs Can write, edit, schedule, publish and delete posts Can manage other users’ permissions for all blogs across the platform |
SmartTags Administrator | Administer Tags created on a Programme | SmartProducts | SmartHub® Tags | Sees all existing tags on the scheme | Can create new smarttags Can edit existing |
Social Recognition Administrator | Ability to delete comments | FE Access | On the SRW | Can see edit and delete options on the wall next to each comment |
Can Edit and Delete comments from SRW Can delete article comments |
TRS Master Administrator | To be given to Clients. Provides overall TRS administrative rights. | Dynamic TRS | - | Ability to set up and amend benefits sections, general product set up and upload and process a TRS benefits file | - |
Webhook Administrator | Ability to manage Webhooks | Integrations | Webhooks | Ability to add and manage Webhooks. Only able to operate if IT Administrator role is also assigned | - |